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Starlink Installation Tarporley

Starlink Installation Tarporley.
Here we a Starlink Installation carried out by Andy and Ethan in Cotebrook just outside Tarporley.
Customer had only been in the property for a couple of weeks and was struggling with a 4mbs connection and a very unstable mobile connection through a gsm router so ordered the Starlink and booked us in for an installation.
The house was a tricky installation for Starlink as was a bungalow that was surrounded by trees, tried using the app with plenty of obstructions, luckily customer did however had a chimney stack so on checking there just a slight obstruction with one birch tree which he is going to remove.
Dish was fitted on a cradle and lashing bracket with alloy and galvanised to make sure it will last, cable fed to the lounge with router installed. Also customer had bought from John Lewis so the message of no active account
Happy customer with the install all for a fixed fee of £200.00.
For more info or to book feel free to get in touch.